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There are various ideas out there on how to get a six pack. Informative articles from various people will be added on a daily basis. Feel free to add your comments.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Ab Six Pack Essentials - Pack Your Bags For the Perfect Body

Such failure in building an ab six pack largely owes to a few misconceptions that have been housed into the minds of people. A majority of aspiring body builders simply go for expensive fancy equipment that claims to develop an ab six pack fast, without too much hard work at all. Companies are simply minting money from people's wishes of building their six pack abs. You can find hundreds of articles, supplements, and video trainers, all claiming to help muscle builders in developing six pack abs. Besides, some of these companies have gone to the extent to launch products that claim to develop six pack abs simply by attaching equipment to their abdominal area.

As it has been rightly said, there is no short cut to success. Building your ab six pack is no exception to the rule. There is simply no need to indulge in a mess of costly equipment. All it takes is some effective abdominal workouts coupled with helpful diet charts. Just like other muscle groups of the human body, abdominal muscles also require some strain to be developed. Professional trainers say that abdominal muscles are different and results can be obtained by assuming simple approaches.

Instead of trying out expensive gadgets for developing an abdominal six pack, you can go for some regular ab exercises and sit-ups for achieving your desired shape. People generally stop doing sit-ups at home after they don't see quick results. They always wish to develop a six pack fast. Moreover, some people prefer not to compromise their diet plans and in turn create a big hurdle in developing their abdominal six pack.

The most important thing that needs to be considered in building six pack abs is that it involves reducing body fats. If there is a presence of excessive fat around the belly, a six pack won't be visible at all. You have to switch to a diet that contains low fat levels. Your calorie intake must be under check all the time to attain your dream of getting an ab six pack. Regular abdominal exercises with well planned diet charts can do wonders for muscle building.

If you have too much fat in your torso then you will often see getting your six pack abs as a far-fetched dream. Remember, you don't want to simply give up and just go on with an unhealthy lifestyle and chubby looks. In fact the situation isn't that bad at all. Though it'll certainly take some time, you can also develop your ab six pack and gain your much-needed shape. So, just start with a properly devised workout regime and diet chart and see the fat in your torso go!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darryn_C_Rex

The Truth About Six Pack Abs - Exposed

The truth about six pack abs, what is there to know? Well, there are two things. The first of which is perhaps the most popular method. Exercise is the first step towards getting six pack abs, that's for sure. But what most people don't tell you is that this is not all that you would need in order to get those chiseled six packs everyone covets. The truth about six pack abs is that you would also need a good and effective program to follow. This program would help you out towards achieving your goal. For those who want six pack abs, the first priority should be living a healthier and fitter lifestyle. Exercising alone won't work no matter how hard you try if you don't start eating and living healthy. To keep you motivated just keep in mind that all the effort is worth it. Through this lifestyle change, not only would you get the six pack abs that you want, you would also be a much healthier person than before. There are many exercise machines, diets, books and even videos promising to help you achieve six pack abs in less than a month. Of course, with such a "guarantee" who wouldn't be drawn to them? But the truth about six pack abs is that no one can achieve them in such a short span of time, no matter how much exercise you do. So before you get lured into one of those grandiose schemes, try and see through their too good to be true promises and you will find out that they are nothing more than that. Empty promises trying to con you into believing and buying their products.

The truth about six pack abs is that you don't really have to purchase anything to achieve them. With enough effort and energy input, you would be able to achieve it without using any of those "sophisticated" machines. All you need is determination and patience first and foremost. You should also set attainable expectations for yourself. If you think that through rigorous exercise you would be able to get six pack abs then you should know that you are just going to tire yourself out and in the end, you are most likely to achieve nothing at all. So the truth about six pack abs is that you have to exercise properly and eat healthy. You don't have to starve yourself to be able to achieve this. Another is that you should have a program, one that is proven to work, and you must follow this program to the end. You have to have the discipline to follow through what you have started, though it might be little hard at times. But again, remember that all of the hard work would be worth it in the end.

So, the truth about six pack abs? Is that most of the work falls on you. Everything depends upon how determined you are and how well you can follow the program. Just keep yourself motivated and refrain from trying to overdo anything in an attempt to speed up the process. After all, the goal here is to get you six pack abs through the healthy way.

Ready to get in the best shape of your life? Hard exercise, rigorous crunches and sit-ups is NOT the answer! Just use our proven system to cutting body fat and developing The truth about six pack abs. Get your FREE limited time e-course at http://www.Six-Pack-Abs-Truth.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelly_Purden

The Quickest Way to Get a Six Pack

If you could go to WalMart and buy a ripped set of muscles for the beach next Summer what would you buy? Let me guess, a ripped six-pack of abs? There isn't one guy out there who doesn't want a ripped midsection to make heads turn on the beach. Yet it really is not as hard to do as most people make it out to be. I am going to share with you Your Six Pack Quest and how to get a ripped six pack for this summer. Read more.

Before you understand the quickest way to get a ripped six pack, you must first understand truth. Once you have separated truth from misconception, lies, myths, and rumors you can then get the ripped six pack you are looking for. Let me clear things up for you.

Even fitness experts are out to get you with their "equipment" or "supplements". Lets learn how NOT to get a six pack.

Here is NOT the quickest way to get a ripped six pack! -

1. Special abdominal machines. Your watching a show and that ad comes on about the best abdominal machine in the world. Just 10 minutes a day to ripped abs. nothing could be further from the truth. The quickest way to get a ripped six pack is dieting!

2. Doing countless crunches and abs work in the gym. Crunches are a decent exercise to build a decent midsection. However, they are not the most affective way of building your abs and can lead to injury if you perform hundreds the wrong way! People often tend to use their hip flexors to often while doing crunches, which has been shown to decrease muscle activity.

3. Starving diets. This is the biggest gimmick out there. Starve yourself? This slows your metabolism down and instead of burning carbohydrates your body looks to your burn your muscle tissues. Yes, you will lose weight but most of it will be muscle. Your body will then start holding on to fat cells because it senses that it is not getting the nutrients it needs. Muscle tissues burn calories, which in turn burns calories and fat. Why would you want to use your muscle for energy? I know I would not want to! Not to mention starving yourself puts you at risk for diabetes.

4. Diet pills. Sorry. THIS is the biggest scam out there. Diet pills are horrible for your health with no results! Usually they are loaded up with dangerous amounts of caffeine. They waste your health and empty your pockets. Diet and nutrition are your best friends to get a ripped six pack. Rely on diet pills and you'll be further away from your goal then ever!

What is this misconception that abdominal muscles are not muscles? You cannot train your abs every day unless you are on steroids. High intensity, overload, and recovery will build you bigger and stronger abs. If your abs are your worst muscle group and you wish to improve them, why not train them first. Who says you can't train your abs first? Most people want a bigger chest or legs so they prioritize doing bench presses or squats first. Why not start with your abs first? Prioritize your abs and you will get a ripped six pack. What is better for building a ripped six pack? Training once or twice a week? Twice a week, assuming you're recovered. If you want to build a ripped six pack then train your abs as frequently as possible, but make sure you are well recovered each session. Train your abs in separate workouts to stimulate muscle growth the best. Upper abs, lower abs, and obliques. If your looking for a program to teach you more loaded with sample diets, workout routines, 6 pack education, and more keep reading. The quickest way to get a ripped six pack? DIET! Diet and exercise, not supplements and scams. Here is the number one guide to learning the truth about abs. To learn more go to google and type in The Quickest Way to Get A Ripped Six Pack!



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sam_Gray

Fast Ways to Get Six Pack Abs - Get Six Pack Abs in 6 Months Or Less

Most people will probably tell you that it can't be done, but here I'm going to show what you need to be doing and the fast ways to get six pack abs in 6 months or less.

At the end of the day getting six pack abs is simple...SIMPLE but not EASY. I think this is where most folks trip up. Let's get something straight here, getting six pack abs is not a free ride, it's gonna take hard work, but with a little dedication and effort you'll get the results you desire...it doesn't matter if you're 16 or 60, the principles are the same.

You'll need to do all of the following fast ways to get six pack abs in 6 months or less:

1/ Follow a good diet and nutrition plan

2/ Follow a weight training program

3/ Follow a good cardio / high intensity exercise program to strip body fat

All of the above focus on burning fat and building muscle - these are the keys to fast ways to get six pack abs.

Your diet and nutrition is imperative if you're looking for fast ways to get six pack abs. After all, you could spend all day in the gym, but if you load up on junk food after your workout you're undoing all your good work.

Eat regularly (5-6 times a day), and get plenty of proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables. Regular smaller meals will keep your metabolism balanced throughout the day, helping to consistently burn body fat and avoid snacking.

Body fat is the big obstacle

The main way to get six pack abs fast is simply to reduce your overall body fat. We all have abdominal muscles, it's just that most of the time they're covered in a layer of ugly belly fat so we don't see them. Get rid of this fat and you'll get six pack abs fast. Anything below 10% body fat will really begin to show your six pack abs.

However, body fat is not the only factor in getting six pack abs, as I'm sure you've seen many a skinny guy with no fat but no abs either...it's because they have failed to work on and develop their abs muscles. Low body fat without exercise pointless if you're looking for fast ways to get six pack abs.

How your body type affects your ability to get six pack abs

Different people need to approach getting six pack abs in different ways. Are you an ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph? I.e. are you naturally slim, broad-shouldered, short and round physique. Depending on your body type you'll need to make certain changes and approaches to your workout plan.

Why muscles burn fat fast

"Why do I need to do weight training?"

It's a proven fact that the more lean muscle you have the faster your body burns and metabolises fats. This is your furnace and will get six pack abs faster than you could imagine, so focus on your training and building lean muscle mass. It will also help you to have an day off from your diet every now and then as your body will be burning fat faster than it did before.

Creating a caloric deficit

Simply put...burn more calories than you consume, and you'll burn fat. This is vital if you want to burn body fat and reveal those six pack abs fast. Many folks train hard and then undo all their hard work by eating junk or simply not focusing on how many calories they're putting into their body.

Should you bulk-up or cut?

If you're just starting out I'd suggest you focus on bulking up (i.e. building muscle), and then focus on "cutting" away the body fat to reveal the rock hard six pack abs underneath. The reason for bulking up first is that you'll be developing the muscle to help your fat burning "furnace", thus making the cutting or fat-shedding process later that much easier.

Want to know the best exercises for fast ways to get six pack abs in 6 months? Check out this free video that will show you ab workouts for rock hard six pack abs ==> Fast Ways To Get Six Pack Abs

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Wheeler

Get a Six Pack and Here's How

To get a six pack is no mean feat. You can literally spend years doing the wrong exercises and totally getting nowhere. It can in fact set back your entire program if you do just one of your ab workouts incorrectly. So if you long to get a six pack (and who doesn't?), exactly how should you go about it?

To get a six pack with relative ease, there are very specific steps you should follow. For this you will need the advice of a fully qualified diet and fitness expert. Thankfully you won't have to hire Arnold Schwarzenegger. You can find all the advice you need in a reputable abs guide.

One such guide, The Truth About Six Pack Abs, has made a big splash recently. This program is highly recommended above any others by the most noted professionals in the field. I decided therefore to review the book to determine whether or not the program lives up to its reputation.

Mike Geary's The Truth About Six Pack Abs has taken the market for diet and fitness guides by storm. Currently, in 2008, it's the top selling book in this category online.

So what? Why should you care? Come to that, why should you get a six pack in the first place? Actually for quite a few reasons. Simply put, a six pack:

* turns heads
* boosts your energy
* makes you fitter
* supports your back

Most importantly of all, though, body fat reductions dramatically cut the risk that you will contract a life-threatening chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease or cancer. Medical experts agree that excess stomach fat is more dangerous to your health than are fat accumulations in any other part of your body. That's hardly surprising, seeing as that's where most of the fat generally goes. It's not only aesthetically pleasing then but vital to have a flat tummy.

Okay, so you should get a six pack, but how will The Truth About Six Pack Abs help you do it?

It would be impossible in this brief space to give you a complete analysis of all of the book's contents. The best I can do here is to summarize some key points.

I'm naturally skeptical about writers who make the claim, as Mike Geary does, that they will only give you "straight honest answers." Throughout The Truth About Six Pack Abs, however, his tone and writing style project the air that he is doing exactly that.

Geary begins by reassuring you that The Truth About Six Pack Abs will work equally well for anyone of any age or gender who wants to get a six pack. He goes on to emphasize the vastly greater value of full body workouts over abs specific exercises. You can do most of his exercises, he asserts, without the use of a lot of equipment and certainly no machines. Just a stability ball and dumbells will equip you to perform almost every single one of the exercises he presents in the book.

Lest you assume though that to get a six pack is solely about doing exercises, Geary repeatedly stresses that the nutrition section he includes in his book is of vital importance too. In no uncertain terms, he warns that you will not achieve results unless you pay as much attention to your diet as to your training. He at the same time, however, assures you that if you can manage this, you will easily gain the sexy abs we all so wistfully long to have.

In fact, Geary doesn't so much speak of how to get a six pack but of how to bring out the abs that are even now latent within you.

For more information on The Truth About Six Pack Abs [http://burnfattruth.com/Get_Abs.html], visit our site at [http://burnfattruth.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Cameron

Review of Your Six Pack Quest - How to Lose 100 Pounds in 6 Months

Your Six Pack Quest is the new ab training, weight loss and fitness program by Canadian Fitness Model Champion Vince Del Monte - or "Skinny Vinny" as he used to be known in his early days.

Vince's previous program, "No Nonsense Muscle Building" was a breath of fresh air in the bodybuilding, muscle workout niche, as it provided folks who genuinely wanted to achieve muscle growth and build better bodies to do so in completely natural ways, without undue reliance on supplements and the like.

Your Six Pack Quest therefore is highly anticipated as it claims to build on the previous program's success, and highlights the famous success story of Peter Carvell, a student of Vince's previous program. Peter successfully managed to lose 100 pounds in 6 months, going from 276 pounds to a slim and muscular 176 pounds. The before and after photos are truly amazing, so if you haven't already seen them I urge you to take a look.

Now, Your Six Pack Quest is due to be released in mid-July 2008, but I've managed to get an early-bird review copy to take a look at. In this Your Six Pack Quest review I will take an indepth look at this program and see if it lives up to the hype, and whether a person can really lose 100 pounds in 6 months by following the program.

Your Six Pack Quest Review - Opening Thoughts

When first opening the Your Six Pack Quest program I was struck by the amount of content and layout of what is provided. Most publishers in the ab and fitness niche provide a small zip file download with a couple of ebooks inside and that's it. The Your Six Pack Quest program on the other hand, is built around a members site, with all the content laid out neatly down the left hand side of the page.

As for the content, you've got the main 111 page No Nonsense Six Pack Ebook; a DVD series where Vince goes through every training workout provided so there can be no problem of not knowing how to perform certain exercises; meal plans; cardio workouts; audio programs to stick on your iPod or in your car; and what I particularly liked was the Virtual Trainer. This is an interactive piece of software that allows you to select individual body parts or muscles and it shows you the best exercise to perform for that muscle group and details of how to perform it.

I personally like having all the information stored in a central location like this, because there's nothing worse than having an internet connection somewhere and wanting to check something but not being able to because all the information is locked on your machine at home. You can still print out most of this information from Your Six Pack Quest, but it's nice that you don't have to. Just get your password and you're away.

Now, some folks may get put off by the sheer amount of content in the Your Six Pack Quest program. When looking to lose a lot of weight, like 100 pounds in 6 months, much of it comes down to momentum, getting inspired and going at it. Sitting down to read and take in all this information may seem like a daunting task and stop you from taking those all important first steps.

However, Vince combats this by getting you first to define your goals and set achievable targets, to get yourself going in the right direction. Also, much of the content can be used kind of like a personal library, where you come back to reference certain topics as and when you need to.

Also, the fact that the program comes in many different forms - i.e. video, audio, virtual trainer software, etc. that means that you can learn and follow in any spare moments you get, in the car, on the train, or even better, while at the gym working on your abs! :)

Can someone really lose 100 pounds in 6 months with the Your Six Pack Quest program?

If you set goals and are serious about achieving them then I don't see any reason why you shouldn't achieve them. Now you may or may not lose 100 pounds in 6 months, but it has been shown that it can be done. The Your Six Pack Quest program provides you with all the tools that you need to achieve your fat loss and six pack success.

Don't forget, you're really looking for a whole lifestyle change. Changing your body is just the catalyst. Improving your health and diet, will help improve your body, and in turn will give you more confidence. In no time at all you'll be the hot guy or gal turning heads at the gym or beach! :)

Your Six Pack Quest Review Verdict

I think the Your Six Pack Quest program will benefit most people at all levels. Whether you're looking to lose a lot of weight, a small amount, or just get yourself into tip top condition, it can really help you achieve those goals.

The downside would be it is not something that you can just pick up, flick through and be done with...it'll take you through each step methodically and purposefully, but if you're a little impatient like me, then you might cheat and want to get to the good stuff right away. However, the multi media aspect of the content is really appealing in this regard and stops you getting bored from reading all the time.

To read more about the Your Six Pack Quest Review and some free fat loss secret videos, along with how you can win $1000 by changing your body, go to my website -->> Your Six Pack Quest Review Website

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Wheeler

How to Get Six Pack Abs and Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

Having six pack abs is every man's dream but the dream is difficult to turn to reality unless you have a strong will and are adequately motivated to achieve your ambition. So the answer to the question: how to get six pack abs is easy to answer - it lies within you and your determination.

However difficult it might be, it must be said that getting six pack abs is not completely impossible, provided you back up your nutritional intake with the right types of six pack abs workouts. Given below is a simple and generalized guide which needs to be followed diligently for a minimum 3 months to get visible results:

The right nutrition: This is perhaps the most important part of getting started with your program on how to get six pack abs. you might have the greatest looking abs but if it is layered with fat, it would hardly be visible. When you are seeking answers to how to get six pack abs, this could be a great deterrent.

The recommended diet is to break your daily food intake into 5 or 6 smaller meals rather than 3 big meals. Completely do away with foods which create that layer of fat on your abs like white bread, pasta, soda, candy, dessert, fast food, hydrogenated oils and sugars. Switch to healthier foods like oatmeal, whole grain breads, nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs, chicken, fish, protein, green tea and take plenty of water. Though it is natural to be swayed by temptation, but your strong will would come a lot into play during this change over of eating habits if you want to get six pack abs.

The essential exercises which belong to the six pack abs workout package should include
cardio, weight lifting as well as specific abdominal exercises. The six pack abs workout should be done at least 4 times a week. While walking, running, cycling, swimming etc all belong to the cardio work out schedule, the trick is to do them in 'bursts'.

For instance, if you walk for a minute, then run for about 15 minutes and you could repeat this 10 times. This type of cardio workout should be done twice a week. Weightlifting is important to be included in the six pack abs workout program. Try to do this for 30 to 45 minutes, twice a week. This workout schedule should be combined with specific ab exercises to make the six pack abs workout complete.

You might have heard that all six pack abs workouts involve crunches and sit ups. But there are some other specific exercises, which if done consistently can result in the desired effect. Here are some simple points to remember while you are focusing on six pack abs workouts:

- Irrespective of what type of abs workouts you do remember to do them in rotation for at least thrice a week. It is important to remember not to over do this however much you might be motivated. Each of these sessions should not be more than 20 minutes which means that you are devoting about an hour a week exclusively for your abs workouts.

- During each of these 3 or 4 sessions a week, remember that you are doing no less than 15 but not more than 20 repetitions per set. This means that in the 20-minute abs work out session, you must try to include sets of 15 or 20 repetitions. Take it easy while you are doing the six pack abs workouts, or you run the risk of pulling muscle, etc.

- Last but never the least important point to remember in your six pack abs workouts is that you should never over do any exercise even if you have the requisite energy for doing it. it is necessary for you to know that to get six pack abs it takes a little time and you can not achieve this in a hurry, however hard you try.

While you won't lose stubborn belly fat and get six pack abs overnight, consistent workouts and a healthy diet can help you achieve that goal.

If you're interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, go to the following site and grab a free "10 Secrets To Six Pack Abs Revealed" report which details 10 unique methods for six pack abs and losing belly fat - http://www.MuscleHub.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Collins

How to Get a Six Pack Fast!

If you are like most people, you want your body to look good right away. Not many people have time for lengthy diets or exercises that take years to work. If you want to know how to get a six pack fast, avoid the following traps:

Avoid Supplements And Empty Promises

Avoid taking pills that promise that you can tone your abs overnight. These will not work and might very well be dangerous. Skip the supplements and start thinking serious about your abs. Never think that you are going to find a magic pill that is going to work for you overnight.

Do Not Waste Your Time On Expensive Equipment And Empty Promises

If you want to know how to get a six pack fast, do not waste your time on empty promises that are made by the latest gadget that promises to give you the six pack you have always wanted. It simply will not happen. Instead, you will be wasting your money on something that will be sitting in your garage a few months from now.

Now that you know what to avoid, you can start to learn how to get a six pack fast by following these tips:

Make A Commitment To Your Abs

If you want six pack abs, you have to make a commitment to do the right exercises and eat the right foods. While this will not happen overnight, you can get six pack abs fast. If you take the time to find the right exercises that will strengthen your abs and tone them quickly, as well as which foods are right to eat when it comes to your abs, you will be able to get a six pack fast. There are certain exercises that you can do that will enable you to get a six pack fast.

If you are truly committed to your body and want to know how to get a six pack fast, the first step is to learn the right exercises that will enable you to do just that. You have to tone up your abdominal muscles so that they will be defined. It takes effort, but you can get a six pack fast if you exercise with proper training techniques.

If you want a six pack fast, make the commitment to do something about it. Not only will you look better with six pack abs, but you will also feel better. Since your abdominal muscles support your spine, it is important to have healthy abs for a healthy back. A six pack is more than just a way to look good - it is a way to feel good, too.

Take a look at the e-books online that describe the exact way on how to get a six pack fast and do not waste your time with gadgets that do not work or supplements that can be dangerous to your health. Get instructions from someone who is certified in physical training and you can get that six pack fast!

If you want to know How to get a six pack fast, visit http://www.ba6p.com for more information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ralph_Keno

Six Pack Abs - Why Do People Fail?

Six pack abs are hard to get at the best of times. Sure there are those who naturally seem to have one. It might be their jobs or their recreation but either way, they are doing something. I must admit that they annoyed me. They didn't work-out or do any exercise, their body naturally equipped them.

Too bad it didn't work out for me. But I have since learned that being a victim does nothing. I can complain all I want but in the end, it does nothing to help me to get six pack abs.

If I want six pack abs, then I have to go out and get them.

Why do people want a six pack?

Six pack abs say to everyone around you that you are disciplined, strong, sexy, and that you go for what you want. Who wouldn't want to be known as a person like that?

Why do so many people not have a six pack?

Of course, not every single person in the world wants six pack abs, but I'm quite sure that a lot of them do. I must say that I quite enjoy mine and the effect it has on those around me. But why don't people have a six pack like me? I don't think it's because they don't want them - most people would have a six pack if they thought they could. I think that the single, greatest reason why people don't have a six pack is laziness.

Yep, you heard correctly. It's not diet, it's not lifestyle, (although all those things are important), it is their choice to not take action. Anyone can read a book and find out all sorts of exercises to get six pack abs, but in the end, unless they take action, they have nothing.

I have a quote in front of me saying, "A quitter never wins and a winner never quits". That is so very appropriate to six pack abs. If you are a quitter, you will never have a six pack. But guess who gets to choose whether you are a quitter? YOU!

So Why Do People Fail?

People fail because they give up. People fail because they blame someone else. Do you want to be someone who succeeds? Then go for it. Go out and take action. Taking action is the greatest tip anyone can ever give you, and providing you follow it, you can have anything you want.

If you would take responsibility for yourself, if you would stop blaming your flab on external variables, if you would say, "It is my choice and my fault if I am fat, unhealthy and ugly". Sorry to be rude, but it's the only way. Something has to move you to action. I want you to have what you want and I am trying to motivate you to take it. You are the only obstacle in the way of you have sexy six pack abs.

If you have decided to take action and responsibility for your life, I congratulate you. The next step is directions and I have them. If you have decided to take action and claim your six pack abs, please visit: http://www.hubreviews.info/abstruth.html for a killer workout.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Palmer

The Secret to Six Pack Abs

The secret to six pack abs is a much coveted piece of information. One of the questions which I am asked most is, "how do I develop six pack abs?" Everyone wants them but very few people are willing to do what it takes. Most people barely have any idea about how to get them.

Sure, they could do lots and lots and lots and lots of crunches, but would they really want to? The secret to six pack abs isn't complicated and it's not hard to understand yet so many people miss it. They go off in the wrong direction and use the wrong means to get six pack abs.

Let me let you in on this dirty little secret...

Parading a six pack, washboard abs and well-defined abdominals is NINETY FIVE PERCENT diet and only 5% exercise. Yes, you read that right. You can do lots and lots and lots and lots... ok you get the picture, but you can do lots and lots of crunches, and you'll never have a six pack.

Don't be a whiner, be an achiever. I'm going to give you 3 tips to help your diet, and ultimately make use of the secret to six pack abs. But first I want you to realize that nothing will happen unless YOU take action.

1. The secret to six pack abs is helped by spending more than you consume. No matter how much you eat during the day, your output must be higher than your input. This will allow you to drop the belly flab and have the sexy abs you want.
2. Stay away from white bread. If the secret to six pack abs had a mortal enemy, it would be processed foods. Things such as white bread (why did you think it was white?) have been processed way too much to be healthy. Research has proven that highly processed foods are more likely to give you belly fat. When the goal is a six pack, belly fat is bad because it covers them up and shields them from the eyes of the world.
3. Get fat. Just not on your stomach. Scientists call them essential fatty acids and yes, they are essential. Unfortunately they have been stripped from most shelf items and it is your responsibility to put them back in. They are omegas 3, 6 and 9 and will help the secret to six pack abs have its greatest effect.

Six pack abs say a lot about someone - they have their act together and they go for what they want. Most guys don't have what it takes; they give up before they make their treasure. The greatest tip cannot help you unless you use it, so with power go out and USE the secret to six pack abs.

If you would like more help to lose belly fat and therefore allowing that dashing six pack to shine through, please visit: http://www.hubreviews.info/abstruth.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Palmer

The Process of Getting a Six Pack - What Needs to be Done?

Unfortunately there is no quick and easy way of developing a six pack. Flat abs and six packs are difficult to achieve. The development of a six pack is a process that requires a significant amount of time and dedication.

There are two main steps in the process of developing a six pack. These are weight loss and the strengthening of the abdominal muscles.

Weight Loss: It is common belief that abdominal exercises are the most important means of obtaining a six pack; however this is not the case.

Before your abdominal muscles are able to show, you must lose weight. Abdominal muscles will only become visible when a minimal fat to muscle ratio exists in the body. Weight loss is achievable through altering the diet to eliminate excess sources of fat and a variety of weight loss activities and exercise.

In the particular case of developing a six pack, weight loss actually refers to a reduction in the amount of body fat a person has stored. It is essential to reduce the amount of body fat, as fat stores will only serve to cover the abdominal muscles, thus preventing them from being viewed.

Strengthening the abdominal muscles: Once weigh loss has occurred, abdominal muscles must be developed and strengthened through a variety of abdominal muscles strengthening exercises.

In many cases, despite following a strict regimen for diet and exercise, many people are still unable to develop a six pack. This is mainly due to the fact that most people are unable to lower their body fat levels to the fat requirements for a six pack as these requirements are lower than that required to maintain current lifestyle and is lower than the healthy range for the bodily functions of most people.

Many people are also unable to develop a six pack due to the genes they have inherited. Our genes play a major role in the way our bodies function and in some cases some people may be genetically predisposed to developing a six pack and flat abdominals easily, whereas many of us are not. Unfortunately, if this is the case, no amount of diet and exercise will see a six pack develop.

In many cases, the process of developing a six pack will often require more exercise than many peoples schedules will allow, will require more attention to be paid to the diet and will require a more strict adherence to diet and exercise than first anticipated. For this reason many people may opt for some simple exercise and diet for weight loss, as opposed to the development of a six pack.

The process of obtaining or trying to obtain the stereotypical perfect flat abs is long and does require a high level of commitment. Before embarking on this quest, it is best to think about your reasons for wanting a six pack and weather a six pack will change your life for the better.

In many cases, even if a six pack is not possible, weight loss and a better looking and feeling body will be so diet and exercise are definitely beneficial and should not be discarded in the event that a six pack cannot be achieved.

It is important to set realistic goals, as opposed to aiming to high. Begin by aiming for weight loss and muscle toning, and work up from there is necessary.

Discover how to achieve flat, firm and sexy abs by downloading your free report entitled "From Jiggly Jelly To Fabulously Flat - Turn Your Jelly Belly Into A Six Pack" from http://www.firmupyourabs.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_A._Penn

Six Pack Abs - How to Get It?

Do you want a six pack abs without fat? For many people, getting six pack abs is a difficult process because it requires high dedication and motivation. But a six pack abs is not impossible. Below is a complete guide to get six pack abs for beginners.

What is a six pack abs?

Six pack abs is a muscular shape that resembles the arrangement of six-pack the box in the abdomen or abdominal. Six pack that looks good is which has clear definition or sharpness and symmetrical.

How to get six pack abs?

The process to get six pack abs is actually easy. First, strengthen your abdominal muscles and remove body fat. The concept is easy, but doing it is not easy. This process requires dedication, determination, patience and plenty of time to get a six pack abs. But the results will be commensurate with your struggle.

In the six pack program formation, you need to consider 4 points:

1. Discipline in eating pattern, it means eating 5-6x a day, high protein, low carbohydrate and low fat. The objective is to increase the metabolism and sharpen our muscle mass.
2. A regular pattern of exercise, meaning exercise portion in a week are equitable for all sections of our muscles. For example we want to shape your abdominal muscles but still need to take exercise leg. Also, try to always put the big muscles (chest, back, shoulders, legs) at the first and then small muscles (arm, abdomen and legs) when trained in 1 session.
3. Enough rest pattern, meaning that we destroy muscle when training sessions and the rest will improve of our muscles become bigger and stronger. So that the quality and quantity of resting will help us achieve this goal.
4. Great Supplements pattern, which means that we must choose the right supplements that will help our program. For example in the Six Pack program, required supplements are protein (amino or whey protein) and fat-burner.


Nutrition is an important one in the six pack program. You can have one set of stomach muscles strong and big, but if the muscles covered by a layer of fat, you will not be able to see it. Separate your meal into 5-6 smaller meals each day to boost metabolism. Stop eating foods that hinder the development of six pack muscle like white rice, pasta, white bread, candy, ice cream, dessert, fast food, hydrogenated oils, sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Eat foods that help to achieve your program goals such as: oatmeal, olive oil, whole wheat bread, fruits, vegetables, nuts, whites part of egg, natural peanut butter, chicken breasts, fish, protein, green tea and water.

Be realistic, you can not get the ideal body in 1-2 days. Perform diet correction gradually and orderly. In a program to get a six pack abs, the thing you need is a fairly healthy food. If you eat too little then the muscles will shrink. Whereas if you eat too much then the abdomen will be covered by a layer of fat so your six pack will not be visible.


* The ideal food is low-fat, low carbohydrate and high protein. Fatty foods is fried foods, kind of food that have simple carbohydrates are white rice, white bread, sugar, cake, ice cream and biscuits. While carbohydrates can be consumed is a complex carbohydrate like brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, and wheat bread. Protein foods are chicken, fish, beef, white part of egg, tofu tempeh.
* Processing of meat should be cooked with boiled, baked, not fried, using full-fat ingredients or use sugar. The salt is allowed, but in very small quantities (more recommended is diet salt).
* Serves on the menu can be customized to your body size.
* Time to consume the menu above is not binding, can be adjusted for the exercise in the morning. The important thing is try to eat 5-6x a day in small portions.


Supplementation that helps Six Pack program is a protein with low calorie and fat burning and also some products that help exercises process and the formation of muscle.


In the exercise, the most important is regular and equitable for all the muscle you have, although the aim is to form the Six Pack. Try in 1 session, big muscles get 9-12 sets and small muscles get 6-8 sets. Then order the big muscles first and then smaller muscles, unless you train 5x a week so you can split your muscle training.

Another thing to note in practice is a break between sets about 1-2 minutes. This is very important to keep pumping and muscles expand during exercise. Thus the total time spent in the weight training 1 session 45-60 minutes is enough.


* Exercise schedule can be adjusted to your time.
* Keep at least weight training 3x a week.
* Correct sequence is the weight training first and then cardio exercise to optimize fat burning.
* Schedule and days of training can be adjusted with the time available.
* Make sure there is a break between sets for 1 minute.
* Treadmill for entry into fat-burning zone is with combine 2 minute walking and 1 minute run. Can also be done with the technique of continuous brisk walking for 20 minutes constantly.

Abdominal Exercise

Abdominal exercises for building abdominal muscles is to increase the burden on our training, so that the abdominal muscles will be stimulated to grow and thicker.

Variations of abdominal exercises using tools such as:

* Cable Crunch
* Decline Bench Crunch
* Hanging Knee Raise
* Hanging Leg Raise
* Standing Oblique Cable Crunch
* Ab Wheel
* Rope Crunch
* Swiss-Ball Roll Out

Variations of abdominal exercises that do not use tools such as:

* Reverse Crunch
* Scissor Kick
* Curl Up
* Side Jackknife
* Straight-Leg Crunch
* Hip Thrust
* Crossover Crunch
* Leg Raise
* Twisting Crunch
* Seated Knee-Up

Teddy Hariadi originally comes from Indonesia. Has written a lot of articles on Fitness Training and has additional information on Elliptical Exercise Equipment tips, and Weights Dumbbells guide you may be interested in reading!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teddy_Hariadi

Best Way to Start to Get Six Pack Abs

Now I have six pack abs. Not to be conceited but really I do and know what to do to get them! There are so many misconceptions on how to get six pack abs. So you want to learn how to get six pack abs huh? Think there's some special magic trick to it? Well I've got a few tips for you that will get you thinking and if you apply them you'll get six pack abs before you know it.

Psychology to Get Six Pack Abs:

What? Why Psychology? The reason psychology is important is your own thinking behind how to get a six pack quick. You think it is all about a six pack abs workout huh? No, it's a combination of what you eat and how active you are. Remember that. It's a combination of your daily diet / what you eat and how much physical activity you have.

Healthy Diet x Exercise x Over Time = Six Pack Stomach

Notice the formula isn't:

Healthy Diet x Exercise x 1 day or 1 week or 1 week = Six pack stomach

To Get Six Pack Abs takes time. There's no magic 1 day pill.

It takes time but the way I do it it's not painful but gradual. Make gradual lifestyle changes that are easy and not hard. If you don't eat healthy normally then eating healthy takes time! You can't just switch over right away to a crazy no fat or low fat six pack abs diet. My belief is that there isn't a true six pack abs diet because we are all different and we enjoy different foods.

If you don't exercise very often or exercise at all then I can't tell you to go and blast your body with exercises for six pack abs like a 1000 crunches. Why? You'll burn out right away and give up. Anyone would if it's too overwhelming or stressful.

Application x Action: Apply this to your life

Again the two ways to get six pack abs are what?


I'm not telling you to diet. By diet I mean how you eat everyday.

If you have loose belly fat in your stomach area how do we attack that area? Although there is no way to spot train (yep, it's a myth) you must get rid of tummy fat by focusing both on your how you eat and how much you exercise.

Now tell me. What healthy changes can you make to your daily diet?

* Can you cut back on fast food?
* Can you eat more fruit?
* Can you have more vegetables?
* Can you cut back on soda?
* Can you drink more water instead?

DO NOT quit fast food or soda COLD TURKEY. It will burn you out and work against yourself mentally. I'm telling you to cut back. Not cut it out of your life. I enjoy fast food myself every once in a while. Sometimes I'll drink soda too.

Exercises / Sports / Physical Activity

For exercise you need to ask yourself what kinds of activities do you enjoy or what kind of sports did you used to play?

Didn't play any sports? Was there a sport you ever wanted to try but were afraid to? Check your local community college for a class. Trust me. You'll make friends and they are inexpensive.

How about walking at the local track field or around your community?

A local gym? It may be a little intimidating at first but I'm here to tell you that people are there to reach the same goals. You'll get energy from seeing other people workout at the gym.

Simple 5 minute six pack abs exercise:

Now do 3 sets of 10 crunches 3 times a week to start.

1. Lie on the floor with your knees bent 90 degrees with the soles of your shoes/feet touching the ground.
2. Cross your arms over your chest and look straight up to the ceiling.
3. Crunch up halfway....not all the way up. Breath out when you do so and contract your abs the entire time. Breath in when you go down.

Just 10 times and rest 2-3 minutes or less before you next set. Just 3 sets each time. So simple and just have fun with it.

Do this before a shower or while you're watching TV or even better, in the gym where people are watching.

This is the start of your journey to get six pack abs.

You will get more advanced and if you want to learn more then visit our website if you want more tips and six pack stomach exercises and the truth about how to get six pack abs. The key is long term applied action that won't burn you out.

If you apply our knowledge to your life YOU WILL REACH YOUR GOALS. Keep at it and most of all, have fun!

Minor adjustments will lead to major long term differences in your life! Small steps where you can easily adjust to will take you a long way cause you won't feel stressed or burn out. Make sense? If you're trying to figure out how to get rid of belly fat then take a look at our website for more concrete tips, exercises and motivational advice. Please visit: http://www.eFitStart.com/.

Remember, little adjustments long term make all the difference in the world. See you at victory lane!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mason_Roberts

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Fast Ways to Get Six Pack Abs - Get Six Pack Abs in 6 Months Or Less

Most people will probably tell you that it can't be done, but here I'm going to show what you need to be doing and the fast ways to get six pack abs in 6 months or less.

At the end of the day getting six pack abs is simple...SIMPLE but not EASY. I think this is where most folks trip up. Let's get something straight here, getting six pack abs is not a free ride, it's gonna take hard work, but with a little dedication and effort you'll get the results you desire...it doesn't matter if you're 16 or 60, the principles are the same.

You'll need to do all of the following fast ways to get six pack abs in 6 months or less:

1/ Follow a good diet and nutrition plan

2/ Follow a weight training program

3/ Follow a good cardio / high intensity exercise program to strip body fat

All of the above focus on burning fat and building muscle - these are the keys to fast ways to get six pack abs.

Your diet and nutrition is imperative if you're looking for fast ways to get six pack abs. After all, you could spend all day in the gym, but if you load up on junk food after your workout you're undoing all your good work.

Eat regularly (5-6 times a day), and get plenty of proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables. Regular smaller meals will keep your metabolism balanced throughout the day, helping to consistently burn body fat and avoid snacking.

Body fat is the big obstacle

The main way to get six pack abs fast is simply to reduce your overall body fat. We all have abdominal muscles, it's just that most of the time they're covered in a layer of ugly belly fat so we don't see them. Get rid of this fat and you'll get six pack abs fast. Anything below 10% body fat will really begin to show your six pack abs.

However, body fat is not the only factor in getting six pack abs, as I'm sure you've seen many a skinny guy with no fat but no abs either...it's because they have failed to work on and develop their abs muscles. Low body fat without exercise pointless if you're looking for fast ways to get six pack abs.

How your body type affects your ability to get six pack abs

Different people need to approach getting six pack abs in different ways. Are you an ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph? I.e. are you naturally slim, broad-shouldered, short and round physique. Depending on your body type you'll need to make certain changes and approaches to your workout plan.

Why muscles burn fat fast

"Why do I need to do weight training?"

It's a proven fact that the more lean muscle you have the faster your body burns and metabolises fats. This is your furnace and will get six pack abs faster than you could imagine, so focus on your training and building lean muscle mass. It will also help you to have an day off from your diet every now and then as your body will be burning fat faster than it did before.

Creating a caloric deficit

Simply put...burn more calories than you consume, and you'll burn fat. This is vital if you want to burn body fat and reveal those six pack abs fast. Many folks train hard and then undo all their hard work by eating junk or simply not focusing on how many calories they're putting into their body.

Should you bulk-up or cut?

If you're just starting out I'd suggest you focus on bulking up (i.e. building muscle), and then focus on "cutting" away the body fat to reveal the rock hard six pack abs underneath. The reason for bulking up first is that you'll be developing the muscle to help your fat burning "furnace", thus making the cutting or fat-shedding process later that much easier.

Want to know the best exercises for fast ways to get six pack abs in 6 months? Check out this free video that will show you ab workouts for rock hard six pack abs ==> Fast Ways To Get Six Pack Abs

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Wheeler

Monday, 4 January 2010

Six Pack Abs Diet - Secrets of Eating Right for Amazing Abs

Do you know what the best six pack abs diet is?

Most people try to crash diet by eating 1 meal per day or try some new miracle diet that promises six pack abs with fast and easy.

In order to get six pack abs, you will need to have the right diet. It is plain and simple.

This article will show you some general guidelines for a six pack abs diet that you must follow if you want to see your abs with a lot of definition.

Because everyone is different, it is a good idea that you speak with a Registered Dietician about the best six pack abs diet for you individually. Everyone is different, and your safety comes first!

Six Pack Abs Diet Guidelines

1. Decrease you overall number of calories.

This is crucial to have down if you want to get the most out of your six pack abs diet.

If you decrease your overall number of calories by about 500 per day (generally), you will lose 1lb each week. If you can create this kind of defecit in the number of calories you consume, then you will start to see a difference!

If this part of your six pack abs diet is not taken care of, then all your other exercise efforts will be in vain.

2. Eat 4-6 small meals per day.

This is a great addition to a proper six pack abs diet because this helps to regulate your blood sugar. The higher you blood sugar, the more insulin your body releases to store the excess as fat.

By including 4-6 small meals per day as part of your six pack abs diet, you will prevent the kind of spike in your blood sugar that happens after eating a very big meal.

Also, you will feel less hungry throughout the day! When you go several hours without eating, you are more likely to make poor food choices and eat a huge meal.

3. Do not eat 2/3 of your calories in the evening.

This is an important part of your six pack abs diet. For most people who have a day job, they tend to eat a small breakfast, small lunch, then a huge dinner when they get home.

This causes a big spike in blood sugar, which then translates to more of it being stored as fat.

You can prevent this by eating 4-6 smaller meals throughout the day.

4. Eat good quality protein, good carbs, and healthy fats.

Eating good quality protein such as chicken breast, turkey, fish, etc. is a great idea.

For carbs, try to go for whole grains and other things such as oatmeal and brown rice. These complex carbs are a great addition to your six pack abs diet because they require a lot of work for your body to break down. This makes your body have to use more energy during digestion.

Healthy fats are great and should be used in moderation. Omega 3's are found in most types of fish.

So in conclusion, now you have learned some of the most important aspects of a six pack abs diet.

If you follow these principles and continue to educate yourself based on them, you will see this kind of six pack abs diet will bring out a slim sexy waistline that will make the opposite sex go crazy!

Good luck and stay persistent =)

Want to Reprint this Article on Six Pack Abs Diet?

Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

For a FREE 47 page ebook titled How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Fat Permanently, go to Six Pack Abs Diet and learn some killer fat loss tips.

Tom is also the author of http://www.ScamFreeFatLossProducts.com, where he offers independent reviews of high quality fat loss products.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Gifford

The Right and Wrong of Six Pack Abs Workout - Your Way to Get a Six Pack

So you want to get a six pack? You want to lose some pounds, or maybe get more ladies to check you out? Either way getting a six pack can be a very beneficial thing in several ways that will give you more self confidence, and a happy and healthier body and mentality. So as you have looked around the Internet you have probably seen many different six pack ab workout programs, articles, and describing the way to get that great six pack that women love and that you MUST have. Some of them can be not so good, while some of them can be very beneficial, and those of course are the ones that you are trying to find. But how do find the six pack ab workout program to get you that six pack? So here is what you need to look for and what you really need to get a six pack, and all from a guy that has one and has been through the Internet to looking for the right program.

What is Wrong?

So what is wrong with the six pack ab workout program in today's Internet? There are a lot of random articles, and blogs written describing what is the best way to get a six pack, the exercises that you should do and what pills you should cram down your throat. Most of these articles and bogs that are written today are just everyday stuff that doesn't really help, or will take a while to get any results. Yes, they do work after a while, but do not provide the absolute best results.

Now the best way to actually get a six pack is through a program, and books. They may seem very "scammy" at first, and yes some of them are. But after trying a couple of them out, some of them do actually work. When you go to there website make sure to check what they are trying to sell you. Some of them will dance around what there program really is, and how you are going to achieve that six pack. They take up space with testimonials, and pictures of guys from Google.

A big part of six pack abs workout sites are pictures will have comparison results, pay close to attention to the pictures, because the person that they are showing the results from, may actually be two different people! The best tip that I can give you is that look at the information that is being provided towards you. The site should give you a good idea of what exercises and what diet you will go through.

What is Right?

If the person knows what they are talking about it should be available and accessible for both sexes. As the ladies would like a nice flat tummie also! This shows you that they know what they are talking about. To show this, they will have things that you shouldn't be doing, or six pack abs workout exercises that are not a part of there program. To show that they are unique and special. A big part of getting a six pack is having a good diet. They must mention something about intertwining a good diet into your exercise routine.

If you are overweight, a big plus for a, six pack ab workout program would be something about how you can lose pounds, and than once you have lost those pounds you can start shaping your six pack. Yes, that is how you actually get a six pack, is by burning fat. But most sites will assume that you are skinny, and that you are just looking to bulk up.

Quick Tips

- Running will help a lot. As it uses the same muscles over and over that is in your abdominal muscles.
-A simple diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and water will at first and can help. But there are better ones to take you even further.
-Water. Make sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day. Staying hydrated can give you a lot more energy, and can help build muscle back up after a workout.
-Make sure to let your muscles build back up after an intense workout. If you keep pushing it every single day, you won't be able to give your muscles time to build back up. Which is how you build muscle.

I have been working out for years now, and I have great results from the system that I use. I love exercising, and this is how I would like to share my knowledge and experience with you. If you would to know more about six pack abs, please check out my website here: http://www.squidoo.com/getsixpackabsprogram. It well help you achieve those six pack that you have been wanting. Just ask me!

If you are also looking to get stronger and get ripped, please check out my other website here: http://www.squidoo.com/bodybuildingexercisesmen.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D._Black

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Your Guide to Six Pack Abs Fast

Everyone, male or female, cannot deny that having a tight and toned mid-section is something they would like. Getting six pack abs may seem impossible to most, but everyone can get six pack abs with some hard work and dedication. It is commonly mistaken that only men can get a six pack, but that is not true. As you will see, anyone can get a six pack.

The Basics of a Six Pack

That traditional six pack look really is just your abdominal muscles showing through to skin level. Everyone has these abdominal muscles, so that is why anyone can get a six pack. The abdominal muscles consist of three basic parts. You have upper, lower and side abdominal muscles. This is important to know when you are trying to develop a six pack.

Another important point to know when you are trying to get six pack abs fast is that your abdominal muscles are rather deep set so in order for those muscles to be seen you cannot have a thick layer of fat over them. In other words, you need to be lean in order to have a visible six pack.

The Two Keys

Now that you know what a six pack is and the important points you need to know about your abs, you can start to learn how to develop that six pack. Developing a six pack involves two key steps. You need to focus in on diet and ab exercises.

As mentioned, in order to have a visible six pack you have to have to be lean. This means that you must get rid of the fat stores in your abdomen area. Eating a healthy, low fat diet is the best way to do this. Just start watching what you eat. Avoid foods that contain sugar and excess fat. Smart eating should help you to lose the extra weight so you can show off your six pack.

Of course, the next thing to focus on is developing those ab muscles so they have that unique six pack look. To do this you need to work all three groups of the abdominal muscles. You need to do exercises that will develop the upper, lower and side abdominal muscles.

The combination of diet and exercise should help you to develop the six pack abs that you desire. It takes work every single day. You have to keep working at it and stay focused.

Special Note for Women

Women will find developing a six pack to be a bit more difficult than men. This is because women are naturally designed to hold more weight in their mid section. In fact, women are designed to have a higher percentage of body fat then men overall. Women will have a very difficult time getting there six pack to pop so that it is visible to the eye. A six pack for women is always going to be more subtle. Only women bodybuilders can expect to have a six pack the looks similar to that of a man.

Getting six pack abs fast is not easy, but it is doable. Basically, any effort you put in is a good thing as you will be getting healthier and you will be developing your muscles. However, for a stunning six pack you need to work at it hard core and you need to be dedicated?

Rod from Six Packs Plan provides help and guidance for your Six Pack Abs Exercises

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rod_Dagan

How to Get Six Pack Abs - The Secret to Six Pack Abs

Figuring out how to get six pack abs can be a tough thing to do.

We are constantly bombarded with infomercials and new "miracle" products that promise to show you how to get six pack abs fast and easy. A lot of the products are either cheap exercise gadgets or some pill that "does the work for you."

Each time we see a magazine in the checkout line, there is a new article about how to get six pack abs.

Can you see why finding good information on how to get six pack abs can be difficult?

In this article, I want to show you the biggest secret to getting lean defined six pack abs.

Ready? Here we go.

How to Get Six Pack Abs Secret: Build the right diet and six pack abs will come.

Thats right, it all comes down to your diet! And when I say diet, I don't some new fad diet. I am talking about the things you eat on a day to day basis.

The reason this is so important is that losing body fat and getting six pack abs as a result cannot be done only by exercise.

If you exercise all the time but do not have a diet that is conducive to losing body fat, you will not notice much of a difference at all.

See, everyone has six pack abs. The problem is, there is a layer of fat covering it up!

If a male wants to get six pack abs, his body fat percentage needs to be below 10%. For a female, it needs to be below about 14%.

The best way to accomplish this is to restrict how many calories you take in! I once heard a great quote (I cannot remember from whom) that said "six pack abs are built in the kitchen, not in the gym".

Now, lets go over some basic guidelines that can help you lose body fat and start to see those sexy six pack abs.

1. Avoid "bad carbs", aka high glycemic carbs.

This is a biggie. If you eat lots of white bread, fast food, soda, high sugar foods, etc., your blood sugar will continuously spike. When this happens, your body releases more and more insulin to store that extra blood sugar as fat. This is not good if you want six pack abs!

2. Eat 4-6 smaller meals per day that consists of quality protein, low glycemic "good" carbs, and healthy fats.

This is also very important in the quest for six pack abs. By eating smaller meals more frequently, your blood sugar will not spike as much, therefore not as much excess blood sugar will be stored as fat.

3. Limit your overall calories.

There are 3,500 calories in 1lb. If you cut back your current diet by 500 calories per day, then over the course of 1 week you will have lost 1 lb!

So as you can see, diet plays a huge role in your quest for how to get six pack abs. Doing core exercises is important, but unless your diet is spot on those abs will stay under a layer of body fat.

For more information on how to get six pack abs, check out the links below.

Want to Reprint this Article on How to Get Six Pack Abs?

Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged.

If you are serious about wanting to get killer abs, go to How to Get Six Pack Abs for some killer information.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.

Tom is the founder of http://www.TheFatLossZone.com, which is an excellent resource about how to safely and effectively lose fat permanently.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Gifford